ilCoeGlyc1.pri.cur.20230615.noMT.fa.gz --> multifasta file with the assembly scaffolds COGLY1B.FA.gff3.gz --> gff3 file with the protein coding annotation COGLY1B.cds.fa.gz --> multifasta file with the nucleotide sequence of the annotated proteins COGLY1B.stats.txt --> statistics of the protein-coding annotation COGLY1B.pep.fa.gz --> multifasta file with the aminoacid sequence of the annotated proteins COGLY1B.transcripts.fa.gz --> multifasta sequence file with the nucleotide sequence of the annotated protein-coding transcripts COGLY1B.longestpeptide.fa.gz --> multifasta sequence with the aminoacid sequence of the longest isoform of each protein-coding gene protein_definitions.txt --> protein definitions that have been assigned to the annotated proteins by Pannzer2 go4topGO.txt --> GO terms that have been annotated for each gene by Pannzer2 COGLY1ncA.gff3.gz --> gff3 file with the non_coding annotation COGLY1ncA.transcripts.fa.gz --> multifasta sequence file with the nucleotide sequence of the annotated non-coding transcripts Coenonympha glycerion genome annotation report.pdf --> report with methods and reults of the genome assembly and annotation