cinced3.scaffolds.fa.gz --> genome assembly in fasta file cinced3A.transcripts.fa.gz --> multifasta file with the transcript sequences of all the protein coding transcripts cinced3A.pep.fa.gz --> multifasta file with the aminoacide sequence of all the annotated proteins. cinced3A.cds.fa.gz --> multifasta file with the nucleotide sequence of all the annotated proteins. cinced3A.longestpeptide.fa.gz --> multifasta file with the aminoacide sequence of the longest protein isoform per gene. cinced3A.gff3.gz --> gff3 file with the protein-coding genome annotation cinced3ncA.gff3.gz --> gff3 file with the non-coding genome annotation cinced3ncA.transcripts.fa.gz --> multifasta file with the nucleotide sequence of all the noncoding genes