pcla8.scaffolds.fa.gz -> contains the assembly scaffolds in fasta format purged_scaffolds.ids.gz --> List of pcla6 scaffolds that have been deleted after running purgeHaplotigs. Pacla8A.gff3.gz -> gff3 file with the protein coding annotation Pacla8A.pep.fa.gz -> fasta file with the aminoacid sequence of each annotated protein Pacla8A.cds.fa.gz -> fasta file with the nucleotide sequence corresponding to the coding part of each annotated protein Pacla8A.transcripts.fa.gz -> fasta file with the nucleotide sequence of each coding transcript. Pacla8A.longestpeptide.fa.gz -> fasta file with the aminoacid sequence of the longest protein isoform of each protein coding gene. Pacla8ncA.gff3.gz -> gff3 file with the noncoding RNA annotation Pacla8ncA.transcripts.fa.gz -> fasta file with the nucleotide sequence of the noncoding transcripts. pcla8.Repeats.gff3.gz --> gff3 file with the Repeat annotation Pacla8A.protein_definition.txt.gz --> protein definitions that have been assigned to the annotated proteins by Blast2go Seq_Microsat_Pcla8.gff3.gz --> Gff3 file with the annotation of some microsatellites