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Abies alba
Cinara cedri
Cloeon dipterum
Coenonympha glycerion
Cricetulus griseus
Drosophila guanche
Helleia helle
Lecanosticta acicola
Lynx pardinus
Marmota monax
Mytilus galloprovincialis
Octopus vulgaris
Olea europaea
Paramuricea clavata
Pelobates cultripes
Phaseolus vulgaris
Podarcis lilfordi
Prunus dulcis
Ruditapes decussatus
Scomber scombrus
Scophthalmus maximus
Sigmodon hispidus
Solea senegalensis (Martinez)
Sparus aurata
Valencia hispanica
Xyrichtys novacula
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